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Usage LogQuerying System UsageThe View Usage Page gives you summary statistics about system usage, but does not provide answers to some useful questions, such as who has been using the system, which Data Stores are being used the most, among many other interesting questions. In order to answer questions like these, you can query the usage log. The results from these queries can also be saved as reports for future access. 1. In order to query system usage, you must be logged in as a User with permissions to View Usage. 2. From the Laboratory Home Page, scroll to the Lab Tools section near the bottom of the page. Select the Usage Statistics link. 3. From the Usage Statistics Page, select the query icon
link 4. From the Query Database Usage Statistics Page, select the appropriate constraints described in the following table:
5. Select which details to show using the Show? column 6. Specify which details to order the results by using the Order column. Place a 1 in the row for the detail to sort by first, a 2 in the row for the detail to sort by second, etc. Leave any Order field blank to let the system assign a default ordering. 7. Select the Submit button 8. The results page will display a summary of the query
constraints specified and a table with the actions matching these constraints.
If you selected to show the View column, use the view icon link You can also save the results of any Usage Log query you make into a Usage Log Report. Usage Log Reports are saved as html files and can later be easily viewed.