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> Deleting Data Classes
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Data Classes

Editing Data Classes

1. In order to edit Data Classes, you must be logged in as a User with permissions to Edit Data Stores.

2. From the Data Store Home Page, scroll to the Data Store Configuration section near the bottom of the screen (if you do not see this section, you probably do not have the necessary permission. Contact your administrator if you think this is an error)

3. Select the Edit Data Classes link

4. Find the Data Class that you want to edit. Select the edit icon link next to the Data Class heading.

5. You will be directed to a page with links to modify various aspects of the Data Class. See the table below for which link to select for the modification you want to make:

Desired Modification Steps
Edit the Data Class Name

1. Select the Modify General Information link
2. Edit the Data Class Name field
3. Select the Update button

Edit the Data Class Description 1. Select the Modify General Information link
2. Edit the Data Class Description field
3. Select the Update button
Edit an attribute 1. Find the attribute you want to edit
2. Select the edit icon link in the Actions column
3. Make needed modifications
4. Select the Update button
Delete an attribute 1. Find the attribute you want to delete
2. Select the delete icon link in the Actions column
3. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the attribute. Select the Yes button.
4. The attribute should be removed from the Data Class attribute definitions
Add a new attribute 1. Select the Add New Attribute link near the bottom of the page
2. Enter attribute definitions
3. Select the Add button
Reorder the attributes (order in which they appear) 1. Select the Reorder Attributes link near the bottom of the page
2. In the Order column, enter the order numbers to specify the order in which you want the attributes to appear. Each attribute should have a unique number.
3. Select the Reorder button

6. Select the Finished button to return to the Data Classes page