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Creating a Simple Scene


This tutorial example lets you follow step by step by typing the instructions into the skanda4 interpreter as you read about them. The first example starts here and continues through the Animation section of Lesson 2. Lesson 3 starts from scratch and is self-contained. Lesson 4 also starts from scratch and is self-contained. Start the skandha4 interpreter by typing skandha4 at the prompt. Be sure skandha4 is in your path. Usually, the prompt appears as a greater-than (>) character. You should enter all code fragments where you see the prompt. You can hit enter on your keyboard after you copy the code from your Web browser window and paste the code into your skandha4 interpreter window.

Light, Camera, ... Object

To create a simple scene we would need the following three elements: i) a camera; ii) a light and iii) a model of 3D object .

To create a camera, we will enter the following expression at the prompt:

(setq camera (send class-camera :new
    :location '(0 0 -5)
    :target '(0 0 0)
    :up '(0 1 0)
    :diameter 5

The response, i.e. the evaluation result for this expression, may look something like this:

#<Gobject: #100cb820>

We created a new instance of CLASS-CAMERA by sending a message :new to this class (all manipulations and communications with objects and classes should be performed by sending them messages).  We set the the camera's location in space, direction and orientation by attaching the appropriate keywords :location, :target and :up to this message, and specifying these parameters as vectors in 3D space.  Note that x axis on your screen points to the right, y axis points up and z axis points away from you, forming a left hand coordinate system.

The first three keywords are easy to interpret: you simply position and "focus" your camera the same way as you  would do with a real camera.  The last keyword :diameter, however, does not have any clear real life analogy.  We should keep in mind that what we will later see on the screen will in fact be a result of calculations performed within a certain range in our imaginary 3D space.  Since we cannot perform the calculations for an infinitely large range, we have to impose certain limits.  The range will be limited by two planes: one in front of the target point and another one behind the target point, with the value of :diameter specifying the distance between them.

We can now create a light (an instance of CLASS-LIGHT) in a similar manner:

(setq light (send class-light :new
    :target '(1 -1 1)
    :is-local nil
    :ambient-color '(0.5 0.5 0.5)
    :color '(1 1 1)
#<Gobject: #100cae30>

The light is remote (as opposed to local), and it points down, right and away from you (the direction of the target vector).  The color of this light, coded with the vector of  (red green blue), is white.  Ambient color was added to make visible those parts of 3D objects which are not in direct light.

We can now create a model of a 3D object as follows:

(setq sphere (xg.3d-make-thing-of-rectangles :want-point-normals t))
(:USE-NORMALS T :USE-COLORS T :FACET-RELATION #<Gobject: #100c1730> :POINT-RELATION #<Gobject: #100c1f50>)

This command created a thing called sphere.   In Skandha4, things are lists suitable for drawing via the :draw message to cameras.  In this case, the list contains  two objects: a POINT-RELATION and a FACET-RELATION.  A POINT-RELATION contains arrays holding 3D coordinates of individual points.  A FACET-RELATION holds the information about how individual points are organized into facets.  When making the sphere, we also requested point normals.  This means that, for each point, we wanted to store its normal vector (normals are used to calculate how 3D object reflects lights at this particular point).  Our POINT-RELATION will therefore contain three more arrays holding  information about the normal vectors for each point.  As you noticed, both POINT-RELATION and FACET-RELATION hold a list of named arrays of the same size.  In Skandha4, a special class called GRAPHIC-RELATION was implemented for this type of data.

To create a useful 3D model, we should fill arrays with data.  The coordinates of individual points should be calculated and then organized into facets.  For now, we will simply use one of the built-in INSERT functions, which provide facilities for inserting visible geometry into an existing thing.


We created an approximation of a sphere composed of many small rectangles (similar to that on the left).  The values that we provided as :U-POINTS and :V-POINTS control how many points along the meridian and the equator were used to build this approximation.

Now that we created camera, light and a 3D object, we should be able to draw a simple scene.  There are, however some additional steps to be taken.  The :draw message to camera requires not an individual thing but  a list of things as a parameter.  We should create such a list even though it will only contain just one thing.  Generally, a list of things should contain things, and it also may contain keyword-value pairs (e.g. :LIGHTS followed by a list of lights) that can be used to specify properties of all things that follow the pair.  Including the keyword-value pairs into thing-lists is a convenience built into Skandha4.  Alternatively, such properties should be set for each thing individually.

(setq thing-list (list :LIGHTS (list light) sphere))

Now we can draw the sphere by executing the following commands (Note that the Skandha4 window should be visible at this point, since the window will be redrawn only once):

(send camera :clear-zbuffer)
(send camera :clear-viewport)
(send camera :draw :THINGS thing-list)
(send camera :swap-buffers)

The :draw message performs the calculations necessary to render the scene, but it does not actually put it on the screen in front of you.  This is done by the other three commands, which we do not need not discuss at this time.


Let's modify the sphere by creating a material for it (an instance of CLASS-MATERIAL):

(setq material (send class-material :new
    :SPECULAR-COLOR '(0.0 0.95 1.0)
    :SHININESS      0.2
    :DIFFUSE-COLOR  '(0.0 0.9 1.0)

and appending it to the sphere:

(setq sphere (append sphere (list :MATERIAL material)))

Update the thing-list:

(setq thing-list (list :LIGHTS (list light) sphere))

And redraw (the same four commands as above) :

(send camera :clear-zbuffer)
(send camera :clear-viewport)
(send camera :draw :THINGS thing-list)
(send camera :swap-buffers)

We see that the color of the sphere has changed.  The main color characteristic of an object is determined by its diffuse color.  Specular color controls the color of highlights.  Shininess controls the appearance and the size of highlights.   Again, we will not talk about these here, but there is a number of resources on the internet that discuss and well illustrate these issues (e.g. 3-D Animation Workshop).


We would like to position the sphere in a different point in space.  This is done by creating a 4x4 transform matrix for the sphere:

(setq matrix (send class-matrix44 :new))
(send matrix :move 1 0 0)

The first expression creates a new identity transform matrix (an instance of CLASS-MATRIX44).  The second expression modifies it so that the sphere moves to location (1 0 0).  We could have achieved the same effect if we explicitly assigned the initial contents to the transform matrix as follows:

(setq matrix (send class-matrix44 :new
 '((1 0 0 0)
   (0 1 0 0)
   (0 0 1 0)
   (1 0 0 1))

We now append the transform matrix to the sphere:

(setq sphere (append sphere (list :TRANSFORM matrix)))

Update the thing-list:

(setq thing-list (list :LIGHTS (list light) sphere))

And redraw the scene:

(send camera :clear-zbuffer)
(send camera :clear-viewport)
(send camera :draw :THINGS thing-list)
(send camera :swap-buffers)

Transform specified by 4x4 matrix can be used to control the 3D object's position, rotation, scaling along any axis and shear.  Again, to find out how 4x4 matrices work, you should refer to the literature, or the internet sources (e.g. Zed3D, you should make a note that the matrices in this and some other sources are transposed compared to Skandha4 matrix notation).

The skandha4 scene you have been building continues a bit further with lesson 2 where you'll animate the sphere. So, don't end your skandha4 interpreted session just yet.

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