This requires that the MySQL server is running. Go into mysql and create
the new empty database. To do this open a DOS command prompt and go to the mysql\bin
directory and then type:
mysql -u root -h localhost
This command should open mysql and give you a prompt that looks like:
At this prompt type:
create database fma_local;
(you can substitute any name for 'fma_local' and remember that the semicolon at
the end of the line is necessary). You can check to see if the database has been created
correctly by typing at the mysql command prompt:
show databases;
A small table of databases should appear one of which is fma_local. This database
will, however, exist in name only and will be populated with data in step 4 below.
You will also need to set the privileges on the database. For example, to create a user
named ‘fma_user’ with password ‘8_19_03’ type the
following at the mysql
grant all privileges on fma_local.* to fma_user@localhost identified by ‘8_19_03’;
If the user may be accessing
the database from any other machine, you should also type the following line:
grant all privileges on fma_local.* to fma_user@'%' identified by ‘8_19_03’;
Exit mysql by typing 'exit' at the msyql command prompt: