The Digital Anatomist Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Information about CD-ROMs
(Interactive Brain Atlas, Neurosyllabus, Thoracic Viscera)

Information about Web-based atlases

My CD-ROM no longer works. What's wrong?

The CD-ROMs were designed to work under Windows 95/98/NT, and are not immediately compatible with newer Windows operating systems (such as Windows 2000 and XP). If you have a Windows version of the CD and you are running a version of Windows that is later than Windows 98, try the following fix.

Playing movies on XP requires making a copy of the XP 32 bit movie player with the same name as the Win 95 player. (This apparently does not start playing automatically it does bring up the movie app and its controls.)

  1. Select the file Mplay32.exe in C:\Windows\system32\
  2. Make a copy of the Mplay32.exe
    (Do not remove the original version or rename it.)
  3. Change the name of the copy to mplayer.exe
  4. Make sure that the newly named file mplayer.exe is in directory C:\Windows\system32\

On the Web version, I can't seem to select specific structures from the columns in the Custom Pin Diagram URL pages. It keeps giving me an error. I can only select all of the terms, or only terms in succession from the list. In the 'Matching String' box, I can only type one structure at a time or else it gives me the same error. I've tried it with the 'Exact' option and the 'Contains' option, both with and without the separation of commas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

For generation of a custom pin on the Web version we've found that the manner of selecting structures depends on the browser platform you are working with. For example, on NT and Netscape you can select multiple structures by holding down the control key when you click, whereas on the SGI it’s the Shift key.  We haven't tested Explorer very much. Match string. We haven't tested this too much. I think it does indeed only do one structure at a time. I just tried one with a comma and got a server error.

It is very slow to run the atlas from the Web.  How can I download it to my machine?

It is not easy to download our atlases from the Web - they run using cgi programs on our servers. Sorry we can't help with this problem..

I get a server error when I try to access the URL

You can't directly access the imageform URL because it is expecting input from another Digital Anatomist CGI program. Instead you should access the atlases at, click until you reach the image you want, then click "Retrieve URL for this Page". That will bring up a page with the complete URL. Click "Go there now", which will take you back to the atlas page, but you'll now notice that the location is a fairly long URL, not imageform as it was before. This is the correct URL which you can bookmark or paste it into another document.