Resetting A Broken Server

About once a quarter, there's a panic because the network browser has stopped sworking. Usually this is because one of the servers (the BSDISPATCH server on Tarsus, or the IMGSRV server on Avalo) has become disabled. The easy thing to try is to just reboot both of those machines: make sure no one is using them for actual work, then log in as root and do /etc/reboot. Or if they're really hosed and you can't log in, turn the power off and back on again. If you want to be professional and attempt to understand the problem, you can diagnose whether the servers are functioning independent of the browser installation by using telnet on a Unix machine:
unix% telnet 5010
      find-service img

IMAGE server
unix% telnet 5015
      (get-file-info Index:Open.Thorax)
Both of the above command sequences connect to the server in question and do a typical command, which should reply with some cryptic numbers. If it gives you errors or refuses to connect at all, that's a signal that A) the server machine has become unavailable, either because of a crash or a full process table or whatever, or B) it has become misconfigured, such that even rebooting won't help. For instance, if the system software was updated recently you might suspect that the inetd configuration has been mangled. For more information on that kind of thing, see Server software maintenance.