KAM 9/95 -- quiz stats should report # of questions remaining on frame DMC 8/95 -- navigation frames should be flagged as such and Prev/Next hidden JWS 7/95 -- wants a hot indented-hierarchy table of contents DMC 4/9/95 -- implement "Next Question" button via JWS 3/6/95: - trigger the "show answer" button after N tries, where N=3 for JWS - implement Pin quiz (show outline and/or centrally-located pin icon) (have author specify lists of alternatives for multiple choice] ghosts from the distant past: - given a structure name, find a list of frames that contain it - Naming quiz (complete with spell checker, "be more specific", etc.) - Intelligent quiz (server decides questions and controls interaction) - work towards StudyGuide behavior (guided tutorials) - let the user interrupt a movie file transfer -- check for command-period occasionally and extend the protocol to let the client tell the server to stop sending the rest of the data.